NSC-Kerala Chapter

Training / Consultancy Services

Consultancy Services

NSC is a leading player in providing consultancy services of high, professional standards. These services include safety audits, risk assessment studies, Maximum Credible Loss Scenario (MCLS) analysis, HAZOP Studies, emergency planning and preparedness, guidance on compliance with statutory provisions, etc.


Safety Audits

NSC is a leading player in providing consultancy services of high, professional standards. These services include safety audits, risk assessment studies, Maximum Credible Loss Scenario (MCLS) analysis, HAZOP Studies, emergency planning and preparedness, guidance on compliance with statutory provisions, etc.

NSC has a track record of conducting safety audits for over 40 years at the National and International levels (in over 100 companies) and has covered a wide range of industrial sectors, for example:

  • Cement Industries
  • Chemical Industries
  • Construction Sites
  • Engineering Industries
  • Fertilizer Industries
  • Petrochemical Industries
  • Pharmaceutical Industries
  • Pipelines and related terminals installations
  • Power Plants
  • Sewerage Operations
  • Steel Plants

NSC has provided leadership in developing the Indian Standard : 14489 : 1998 Code of Practice on Occupational Safety and Health Audit published by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and was produced by Industrial Safety Sectional Committee of the Bureau under the chairmanship of the DG, NSC. The initial draft of the document was also prepared by the Sub-Committee of the BIS under convenorship of the Adviser (Technical), NSC.

For a number of years, NSC has also been conducting state level training programmes on Safety Audit and has also been offering need-based incompany programmes for internal safety auditors along with practical demonstration. Such programmes have been conducted in a number of companies.


On Site Emergency Plans

NSC Kerala Chapter has carried out the Risk Assessment, MCLS Analysis and HAZOP Studies for a number of industries. The assignments are carried out using the latest and reliable Computer Models and also using methodology and formulae referred in standard literature on the subject by reputed organisations such as TNO, ILO, World Bank, etc.

NSC acquired Computer Models – CAMEO and ALOHA which are used for this purpose.

Apart from Technical Officers of the NSC who have been trained abroad, various expert Panel Members of the NSC, having practical experience and specialisation in specific technology / process also carry out such assignments.


Risk Assessment

NSC has done pioneering work in the area of Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response against technological accidents and has implemented at the national level (over a period of 5 years) in six high – risk industrial pockets an Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at Local Level / Local Accident Mitigation Programme (APELL/LAMP) in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), World Environment Center (WEC) and Asian Disaster Preparedness Center. This programme has been highly appreciated by industries for its practical contribution.

The Feasibility Study on Industrial Safety and Disaster Prevention Project (ISDPP) carried out by the NSC in collaboration with the World Environment Center and Texas A & M University, USA for the World Bank funded project of the Ministry of Environment & Forests (MOEF) was awarded to it on being technically evaluated as number one from the global tenders received by the MOEF. It was a prestigious assignment requiring international standards of technical competence.

Technical Officers from NSC have been trained abroad and in the country for review of Emergency Plans and Preparedness activities under the APELL/LAMP Programme. As such NSC is in a position to conduct need-based training programmes designed to strengthen emergency preparedness through Table – Top Exercises, Drills, etc. At the request of various industries, NSC has prepared On-Site Emergency Plans as per requirement under the Statute.


Technical Advice

NSC has established an effective system for collection, retrieval and dissemination of information on safety, health and environment (SHE), particularly focussing on

  • the needs of the NSCI members;
  • and promoting self-compliance with statutory requirements by the industry
  • sharing information among organisations, institutions and agencies involved in the ‘SHE’ field worldwide.
  • regularly updating ‘SHE’ information and making it easily accessible

Information Sources

New information is generated by the Council through special studies / surveys etc. Available information is also collected rom various ministries, regulatory agencies , institutions, NGOs, industry and international agencies and from suitable national and international databases.


Channels of Technical Advice

  • Industrial Safety Chronicle
  • Industrial Safety News
  • Preparation of special booklets / leaflets, information sheets and instruction cards on specific issues training programmes
  • National Safety Day Campaign
  • Bulletins by Chapters
  • Web site of NSCI

Supportive Structure

  • Statistics Division
  • Library
  • Publications Division
  • Technical Advice Division
  • Computer systems and Internet connection
  • The Council provides free information-cum-technical advice to its members through correspondence on their queries.

Training Resources

Training being its core activity, NSC Kerala Chapter has been playing a pioneering role in this area at the state level for the last 48 years. In order to develop technical competence most of the officers of NSC are trained both in India and abroad on safety, health and environment aspects. Besides, a large number of persons with rich experience in the industry are empanelled as experts. These experts also work as faculty in the training programmes.

Specialised Programmes

Council has developed a wide range of short-term training courses to meet the emerging needs.These programmes are designed for senior and middle management; and supervisory personnel, safety committee members, and SHE professionals from industry and trade union leaders or representatives. The priority is on short-term but effective training programmes.

A calendar of training courses is brought out every year (financial) and circulated to all the member – organisations. It gives details of the title of the course, dates, venue and the participation fees. The course material covering various topics discussed in the course is distributed to all the participants as reference material.

In Plant Programmes

NSC Kerala Chapter also identifies training needs, develops training strategy, and designs and conducts need-based in-plant training programmes to suit the specific needs of individual units in different industries. On an average, NSC conducts nearly 25 in-plant training programmes per year. Professional fees and other expenses are borne by the client organisation.